7个Facebook营销漏斗步骤,你可以用它来获得更多的流量,Leads和销售,而不需要花钱在广告上。(The Fan Page Funnel Report)
The 7-step Facebook marketing funnel you can use to get more traffic, leads, and sales from Facebook without spending money on advertising.
You are going to discover how to maximize Facebook to your advantage, so you can build a huge list of potential buyers, and then quickly and easily convert them into paying customers without any prior marketing experience whatsoever.
The Fan Page Funnel Report
│ 05-The 3 Step Willy – Google Goodness Part 2 .url
└─The Fan Page Funnel Report
08-The 3 Step Willy – Reaching Out Part 2 .url
Fan Page Funnel Walk-Through.pdf
The Fan Page Funnel Report.pdf