使用这7种策略可增加您的每月博客收入100%增长(Blog Income Boost)

您必须经历的心态转变才能开始在您的博客上进行更多销售。Use these 7 strategies to grow your monthly blog income 100% of the time.
I’ll tell you what type of content is always worth writing for the highest return.
The #1 thing you can do on Pinterest for immediate positive impact to your bottom line.
A strategy for sending qualified traffic to high converting content.
How to use your monthly income results to decide what to work on next.
The mindset shift you must go through to start making more sales on your blog.///
Use these 7 strategies to grow your monthly blog income
Blog Income BOOSTING Strategies That WorkI have three kids at home (ages 9, 6, and 4), and while I have big goals for my blog, I also want to spend as much time as possible with my kids while they’re little.
What I’ve found is that if I work on the RIGHT things at the RIGHT time, I can still grow my blog income without sacrificing time with my family.
I want the same for you!!
In this ebook, you’ll learn easier ways to make money
I’ll tell you what type of content is ALWAYS worth writing for the highest return
The #1 thing you can do on Pinterest for immediate positive impact to your bottom line
A strategy for sending qualified traffic to high converting content
How to use your monthly income results to decide what to work on next
The mindset shift you must go through to start making more sales on your blogYou’ll learn the best strategies for a small email list or TRAFFIC THAT’S DECREASING
How to create INCOME PATHWAYS so you can make money even if you don’t have a large email list
How to get in your reader’s mind + serve them so you can make MORE MONEY with LESS TRAFFIC
Practical ways to improve conversion rates so you can make MORE MONEY with FEWER EMAIL SUBSCRIBERS
The proof is in the numbers
2015 was my year to figure out how to get more traffic to my blog. This is what happened from April to December that year:I was tired after working hard all year on building traffic. By the time 2016 rolled around, I was ready for a change.
In early 2016, I intentionally stepped off the blog traffic train to focus on making more conversions on the traffic I was already receiving.
I was working an average of 30-35 hours per week in January 2016, and the thought of continuing that path did NOT appeal to me. I wanted more time with my family!
So off I went on a path to figure out ways to earn the same or more from my blog without working as hard. I used all the principles of growing a business like a CPA (my former job) to grow my blog.
And this is what happened! Even though my page views stagnated, my income rose! Furthermore, I was able to decrease my work hours to 20-25 hours per week because I figured out how to outsource profitable work to a VA.
2016 was my year of working smarter all the way around.
It’s me starting to put to paper ALL the strategies I used to increase my income in 2016 despite working less + getting fewer blog visitors.It’s the beginning of a master class on income strategies that just WORK. The full course won’t be available for a few more months, so I want to give you these strategies to use in the meantime.
Good news – purchasing this guide is worry-free. When you grab this guide, you will be guaranteed a $47 coupon on the full course when it is released.
You can make good money from your blog without sacrificing all of your timeYour ebook provides actionable steps to help bloggers boost their income! $47 is nothing if you are increasing your income month after month!
Kecia Hambrick | onlineincomemom.com
This is the presale. You can get $20 off!
Blog Income Boost
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