Udemy赚钱的内幕秘密(Insider Secrets To Making Money With Udemy)

当您观看本培训时,您将看到我展示了创建Udemy课程过程中的每一步。In a little over a year, I’ve published 23 highly-rated courses on Udemy.
Through taking massive action, I learned exactly what to do and what not to do.
When you take this course, you’ll see me demonstrating every little step in the process of creating your Udemy course.///
Have you ever wished you could take your knowledge, work experience, life experience
(or even your hobby expertise)
and turn it into an ongoing passive income stream?
…well, now you can!
That’s because today, you can easily teach any topic online,
(to over 5 million people – all around the world)
and get paid for it!Have you heard about Len Smith, the 71-year-old Copywriter who is now earning $8,500 a month by teaching online?
Or how about Vanessa VanEdwards, the young entrepreneur whose online courses earned her enough to place a down payment on a house?
Or maybe you’ve heard of Nick Walter, the 25-year-old college grad who published one course online and that one course earned him $66,000 in his first month?
Have you read the news about John Azzi and Eliot Arntz, two programmers who launched a comprehensive online course which earned them $250,000 in two months?
What do all these success stories above have in common?They each published an online course on a website called Udemy.com
What is Udemy?
Udemy is an online learning platform that has added 5 million students in just the last few years.Udemy allows anyone to offer “how to” courses (on just about any topic) to those 5 million students and get paid very well as an instructor!
You set the price of your courses, you own your content and you have complete control over your courses…
Udemy is an excellent way to deliver your content and even promotes your courses to their massive user base! (in 2014 alone, they added 3 million new users)
What Can I Teach On Udemy?
You name it and it’s probably being taught on Udemy. (and earning the instructor a nice, passive income, too!)There are courses on just about any topic under the sun.
Do I Have To Be An Expert?
I once heard the word “expert” defined as “Someone who knows more than you” about a particular topic.Students on Udemy are looking for real-world, actionable skills that they can learn and use in their work and in their lives. If you can provide this, you can teach on Udemy!
You don’t have to be a “world-renowned” expert – you just have to be able to show someone a skill that they didn’t know before, do it well and be able to answer questions.
With these qualifications, you can see why I like to say: “Anyone can teach!”
You see, today, there is a massive opportunity for you to teach what you know (your knowledge / expertise/ experiences) online.
Now, before we go any further, take a look at this amazing fact, straight from Udemy’s press release:
According To Udemy’s recent press release:
“The total earnings of Udemy’s top 10 instructors
has been over $17 million”
I show you that quote because I want to show you the upper income limits that are currently being achieved by a few of the world’s top-earning Udemy instructors.(It’s good to know “How high is high”, right? Of course, your mileage may vary)
I’ve been quietly making thousands of dollars a month in passive income from this opportunity and I am extremely excited to share it with you here.
Is This A Growing Business?
From my research into the world of “Massive Open Online Courses”, (MOOCs – which is the category that Udemy dominates) online learning has grown tremendously and is poised for explosive growth in the years to come.We’ve only just begun to see it’s potential.
Here’s another interesting graphic that shows you the massive growth that occurred at Udemy just last year:
Why Is Udemy Exploding So Quickly?
There has been a developing “mega-trend” in the world of learning.As university and community college tuitions have continued to go through the roof, (Let’s call it “Offline Learning”) the ability to access courses and training ONLINE (online learning) has become much easier to access – and at a much lower cost.
But there’s another mega-trend happening right alongside this one:
People clearly see high value in the real-world work skills they can learn online, as opposed to what they learn in the world of academia. (which tends to teach “theory” and does not offer much in the way of current, practical skills that people can use in the working world)
How Do Students Take My Courses?
One of the things I find fascinating about Udemy is that, because of technology, your Udemy students can consume your “how to” courses just about anywhere they are – at any given time!
They can take your courses on their:
Tablet (iPad or Android) and even on their
Mobile device (smart phone!)
Which means your Udemy course will be consumed:
At home
On a plane
On a train / subway
While waiting at the Doctor’s office
Your students can take your courses just about anywhere!
More importantly for you as an instructor, you can teach your Udemy courses from home or really, from anywhere in the world.
Is It Difficult To Publish A Course On Udemy?
Not when you know how! Actually, publishing a Udemy course is simple…All you do is record your simple “how to” videos using a $15 screen-sharing tool…
(There’s no need for you to appear on camera
and you don’t need fancy video equipment or lighting)
…and then you publish those videos on Udemy, using their easy interface……and you’re done!
You are now a Udemy instructor and can begin receiving passive income for years to come!
Let me tell you, there’s nothing better than
creating a product / course ONCE
and then getting paid for that effort
over and over again!
What Other Responsibilities Do I Have As An Instructor?
Really, the only additional work you have to provide is simple – just answer the occasional student questions that you receive within your Udemy courses!You will also want to keep your course updated – if any changes or updates have occurred that relate to your course topic, just create a quick new video covering that update and then upload it to your course – and you’re done!
Are There Other Ways To Make Money With Udemy?
Yes, there are!While being a Udemy instructor is the best way to make money with Udemy, I’ve identified 4 other ways that you can make money with Udemy…
For example, one of the ways I teach is “The Publisher Model”.
As the “publisher”, once you know Udemy’s course guidelines and how to publish courses on Udemy, you partner with “experts” who want some help and hand-holding in getting their courses published.
Udemy makes it easy to list yourself as a “Co-Instructor” and even set up a revenue-share arrangement with your “expert” within the Udemy course panel so that you can each split the proceeds of your course on a 50% / 50% basis. (or whatever split you agree to)
This is another very exciting way to make money with Udemy…You don’t have to:
Be an expert
Create any content
Record any videos
Answer any questions from students
Update your courses
All you need is the knowledge inside this training!
Can You Show Me How To Do This?
Absolutely!In a little over a year, I’ve published 23 highly-rated courses on Udemy…
Through taking massive action, I learned exactly what to do and what not to do.
But more importantly, this experience led me to create a streamlined system for anyone to quickly & easily create high-quality, 5-star rated Udemy courses.
(In fact, Udemy instructors have given this course rave reviews because they are learning so many new tips and tricks for publishing their courses fast!)
Here are a few of the 25 “5-Star” Reviews I’ve received for this training:
Here’s What You Get With:
Insider Secrets
To Making Money With UdemyWhen you take this course, you’ll see me demonstrating every little step in the process of creating your Udemy course.
Listen to what my student, Felix, from Germany has to say about this course:
It’s really as if I came over to your home and personally tutored you and showed you every single step, in person! (it’s the next best thing to being there)
Here’s what you’ll get in this power-packed training:
Discover how to easily create “How To” tutorials by simply recording your computer screen – no face-to-camera videos required!
Create & publish Udemy courses FAST, while also maintaining high quality.
Create a complete, multi-media course, including screencast video, downloadable PDFs and downloadable presentation documents.
Discover 5 different ways you can make money with Udemy.
Understand every step in the Udemy course creation process. We will walk through each section of the Udmey course roadmap, step-by-step.
Understand all aspects of my super-efficient methods for Udemy course creation. (No filming required and you do not have to appear on camera!)
Understand the basics of how to lay out your course landing page (from a marketing point of view) so you make more course sales!
Understand how to meet and exceed Udemy’s course requirements to ensure that your course is created, published and approved quickly.
You’ll also get:
My super-simple, streamlined way to create and publish courses
2 1/2 hours of the absolute best Udemy training you’ll find (I know this because I’ve bought and studied all the best Udemy courses and no other course contains this level of detailed, step-by-step tutorials!)
How to easily add quality elements to your courses that will get you great reviews!
My proven way to get your course published & approved by Udemy FAST, so you can start making money quickly
Insider tips and strategies all along the way
By The Way, Udemy Helps Market Your Courses For You!
One of the huge positive aspects of having your courses on Udemy is the huge number of promotions they do for your courses and the amount of advertising they do on your behalf.With over 5 million students, Udemy can easily drive tons of traffic to your courses.
Udemy has the ability to track students interests (based on courses they’ve enrolled in) and also tracks what types of courses students have typed into their search engine.
They even have email lists segmented by interest.
So, if someone has previously searched for your topic, guess what Udemy will show them in the future? That’s right, they’ll show them your course as a “Suggested Course”!
How Is Udemy Different From Creating My Own Info-Product?
When you create your own information product / course, you are solely responsible for generating traffic / buyers to your course.But with Udemy, they do a lot of this promotional marketing for you…
If you have a popular Udemy course, you can make thousands of dollars a month, without putting any effort into getting traffic (none of your own traffic efforts!) so this can truly become a “passive” income for you.
For example, a well-known Udemy instructor that I know earns $30,000 a month (all passive income) and he has never done a lick of marketing of his courses!
How’s THAT for powerful, hands-off marketing?
Udemy also uses “re-targeting” which allows them to continue to advertise to students – even after they’ve left the Udemy site! (On Facebook and other top websites that your students may visit)So, even if the students don’t enroll in your course the first time they see it, Udemy will show them your course again and again, and on different sites, so they can come back and enroll when they’re ready!
Imagine having a multi-million dollar tech company doing this kind of advanced traffic generation FOR YOU? Amazing.
The Udemy courses I’ve published cover a variety of ecommerce, marketing and small business topics and they make me several thousand dollars a month in passive income… (and Udemy deposits my earnings straight into my PayPal account, at the beginning of every month, like clockwork!)
There’s Nothing Like It!
So, if you are ready to take your knowledge or experience and help others with it…If you’d like to make an ongoing passive income…
If you’d like to see funds deposited into your PayPal account every month
and for a new and exciting future, a future that could include a new, passive income stream, with funds being deposited into your PayPal account every month, then you’ve got to order this comprehensive Udemy training today.
Buy The Course Now For Only $27If you aren’t entirely satisfied with your purchase please call or drop us an email, and we’ll quickly issue a refund of your entire purchase amount. Take your time, check it out, and more importantly, put this powerful information to work for you, but if you find it’s just not for you we don’t want to keep your money. All support and contact options can be found at JimCockrum.com on the “contact” page, as well as in the email you’ll receive upon ordering.
Why do we ask for your phone number as part of the order? Because Jim Cockrum or someone from his staff will contact you to make sure you got your order and to offer you a free Q/A session about this and any other of our products. Jim makes several calls per week as a way to stay in close contact with his readers. When we call you, you can expect a friendly, informative chat with someone who truly cares about your success. We leave every contact better than we found them 100% of the time. There is no high pressure pitch or up-sell and we won’t share your name or contact info with anyone.
Insider Secrets To Making Money With Udemy
└─Insider Secrets To Making Money With Udemy
Module 1.mp4
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Module 26.MP4
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