学习一步一步如何建立一个Webinar – 增加您的电子邮件订阅列表,并在不到60天内产生更多的销售!(Webinar Mastery Academy)

获得更多的注册和更多销售从您所托管的每一个Webinar ,即使你以前失败了,保证现在未必。
一个经过验证的分步系统,为企业家创造了数万个注册和销售。 通过使用我们简单的A到Z系统,
您可以终止您的Webinar销售斗争,以便您终于创造出应得的收入和影响。Get more sign-ups and more sales from every single webinar you host, even if you’ve failed before, guaranteed.
A proven, step-by-step system that has brought in tens of thousands of signups and sales to entrepreneurs just like you. By using our simple, A-to-Z system, you can put an end to your webinar sales struggles so you can finally create the kind of income and impact you deserve.~~
Launch Your First Profitable Webinar in 2017!
Learn Step-by-Step How to Build a Webinar That Grows Your Email List and Generates More Sales in Less Than 60 Days!The only webinar training program that guarantees that if you don’t get your first profitable webinar up and running in 60 days or less, we get on the phone with you and help you get it done!
I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
Rocket with Laptop_WMA_600x495Dear Future Profitable Webinar Host,If you are an online entrepreneur who has started hosting webinars but are not getting the kind of signups and sales that you know you should be getting, you have come to the right place.
If you are looking to start hosting webinars in your business but want to learn the right way, the “strategic” way of doing so, this is the program you have been looking for.
Maybe you have already tried hosting a webinar and it fell flat. 175 people registered but only 11 showed up and you just spent $800 on Facebook Ads, yikes…
Or maybe you’re getting people to sign up and even show up but you just can’t seem to make enough sales. 59 people were on your webinar but only 1 bought….or maybe none!
If this sounds like you, I have good news. I have been there. I too have hosted webinars that “bombed.” But after hosting over 200 live webinars, several worth over 5-figures, I have figured out a repeatable system for getting consistent results.
If you would like to learn about a step-by-step, click-by-click, A-to-Z system for creating, promoting, and monetize your webinars, then read on.
You see, after making my first few thousand dollars using webinars, I was able hit the ground running. Hundreds of students flowed my way and joint venture partners started approaching me to host webinars for their audiences. I started growing like gangbusters using the power of webinars and partnerships.
If I can do it, you can do it, too, with my support!
In less than a year, I generated enough income to safely leave my healthcare career, as a physical therapist, and concentrate full-time on running my online business. I have been living a life of ultimate freedom while working with amazing people from around the world.
Now, I am eager to share how I can help you take your webinars to the next level, so you can generate the cash you need to create a lifestyle you love. I am excited to introduce you to the Webinar Mastery Academy!
To Your Webinar Success,
Jon Schumacher, Creator of the Webinar Mastery Academy
I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
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Who is the Webinar Mastery Academy For?
Two Kinds of Online Entrepreneurs…1. You’re hosting webinars in your business but aren’t getting enough people to sign up, show up, or buy from you. You’re frustrated by the lack of sales and you’re worried that your online business is not going to be sustainable in the long run. You are experiencing a lot of ups and downs in your income and you are looking for a reliable way to bring in new clients and customers.
2. You’re looking to start hosting webinars in your business but feel stuck on the tech and aren’t sure where to start. When it comes to creating your webinar, the tech makes you want to pull your hair out. You’re afraid no one will show. You don’t know how to structure your presentation for maximum sales without be pushy. You feel like you’re shooting in the dark.
The Webinar Mastery Academy is for online entrepreneurs who want to feel like that have a consistent revenue source month after month. To finally be able to breathe knowing that your business is going to make it over the long run.
Who am I and Why Should You Listen to Me?
jon schumacher profileJON SCHUMACHER HEREI have been an online entrepreneur for the past 4 years, launching 5 different brands, in 2 different industries…many of which “failed.” I remember working my full time job as a physical therapist during the day and then rushing home, stuffing dinner in my mouth, kissing my wife, and then frantically pulling out my computer to work for the next 5 hours on my online business.
You see, I wanted FREEDOM more than anything. Freedom to work from home. Freedom to work WHEN I want, with WHO I want, from WHERE I want. Can you relate? I wanted to do something that I was passionate about, helping those I wanted to serve from the comforts of my own home. But I had a problem….
I was creating content (videos, podcasts, ebooks) but they weren’t selling. Certainly not enough to fire my job and live that FREEDOM life. Why? Because I didn’t have an audience. But not just an audience (I was getting lots of video views and podcast downloads) but an audience where I could have a two-way conversation. I didn’t have an engaged email list. I had no way to continually build a relationship.
What Finally Changed?
I realized what I was doing was not working. I was creating all this content but wasn’t building the right kind of audience and certainly wasn’t making enough income.In the fall of 2014, I decide to start hosting webinars because I heard they “worked.” I started out doing interview style webinars with friends who had bigger audiences.
On my very first webinar, my interviewee, emailed his list and added over 100 new subscribers to my database.
I started hosting webinars (with permission) to a few Facebook groups and added a couple hundred more.
In October of 2014, I hosted my first sales webinar. I had only 30 people attend live but sold 10 spots into my first online program. My first $1,983.36 payday on a webinar.
I then took my webinar to partners whose audiences were interested in my program. The first partner webinar I did added another 400 subscribers and several thousand dollars in sales.
I did another webinar and another webinar. I have never stopped doing webinars.
Today, I have successfully hosted over 200 with several 5-figure webinar campaigns.
I have been able to leave my job while replacing a $100,000 income using webinars to attract clients and sell my online programs.
I am the coauthor of the Amazon Best-Selling book, Hangouts Marketing Mastery: Your Platform to Enhance Visibility, Attract Ideal Clients, and Increase Revenue.
In 2016, I co-hosted the largest online webinar event of the year, the Webinar Mastery Summit, where I got the chance to interview 25 leading experts in webinar marketing.
There were more than 2,800 attendees and the summit generated over $25,000 in sales.
I have personally guided other online entrepreneurs to quickly generate hundreds of thousands of dollars in online sales using webinars.
It is through the combination of my own webinar experience, the client webinars I have consulted on, and the experts I have studied with, that I have created the most comprehensive webinar learning program in the world….the Webinar Mastery Academy.
Helping entrepreneurs just like you, create, promote, and monetize your webinars so you can create the kind of INCOME and IMPACT you deserve.
I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
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Hear From Actual Students
in the Webinar Mastery Academy
Ellen McDowell
“Now that I am working with Jon I am able to put the pieces in place that I was missing. I experienced success with a few tweaks to my webinar process and additional slides to the presentation. My webinar had a 60% show up rate and I closed 18% of the “room”. The follow-up system Jon presents resulted in deeper relationships and position me as an expert with my attendees.”– Ellen McDowell, EllenMcDowell.com & OnlineMarketingGPS.com
“Jon’s training in his Webinar Mastery Academy is step-by-step. He provides amazing value and really goes way beyond my expectations in terms of the detailed yet understandable systems and templates that he shares.”
– Damian Noud, DamianNoud.com
Damian Noud
Randy Lyman
“I checked out several programs but the Webinar Mastery Academy was the answer I was looking for. It’s completely hands-on and practical.”– Randy Lyman
“I just finished going through Jon Schumacher’s Webinar course and I can say hands down this is the best webinar training on the market. You will discover how to run an entire webinar that sells from A-Z. If you are brand new to webinars or a seasoned pro you will get a lot from this course.”
– Jeremy Henderson, ZombieBjj.com
Jeremy Henderson
I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
Why Most Webinar Programs Will FailLet’s face it. Most GURUS selling their webinar courses are simply too big to give you the kind of individual attention you need to build a profitable webinar for YOUR specific business.
When these gurus enroll 700-1000 students during their next “launch” you simply get lost in the mix. Another number.
You are left on your own, with no direct support from the experts themselves.
According to best-selling author, Seth Godin, there is a 98% drop out rate for online courses.
Because most programs are just information and maybe a Facebook group. Again, there you are, on your own in a sea of other students.
But information is not enough to make you a successful webinar host.
You need, and deserve more direct teaching, group coaching, and Q&A with the experts.
So you can get SPECIFIC answers to your SPECIFIC questions, about your SPECIFIC business.
Why the Webinar Mastery Academy is Different
The Webinar Mastery Academy is NO info product. It’s an intimate school of webinar learning. A complete online experience and group coaching program with 5 core components:Fast Action Learning Classes: 12 step-by-step multimedia masterclasses, product development worksheets, headline templates, example slide decks, and email swipe copy. All designed to give you a complete fill-in-the-blank system to create a professional level webinar campaign.
An Exclusive Online Community: You can ask a SPECIFIC question at your convenience and get an answer within 24 hours (except weekends).
Monthly group coaching, open office hours, and guest expert webinars for continued support and advancement of your webinar skills.
Access to complimentary one on one support sessions including a technology strategy session with one of our tech coaches and a 15-minute welcome call with Jon himself!
Access to Done-for-You Services at a discounted rate. Do you just want someone to set up your webinar for you already? Members of the Academy get exclusive discounts on webinar set up services and funnel builds. We can get your webinar funnel built for you!
I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
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Aaron Lebauer Headshot
“Yesterday I hosted my highest grossing webinar $9,898!”– Aaron LeBauer, DPT, Founder of the CashPT Blueprint
“After I started working with Jon I became proficient in webinars in just 2 weeks. At my very first webinar I converted 6 out of 50 people during the webinar and 7 more after the webinar. After my second webinar I converted 11 people. I will soon launch a webinar series to increase my revenue and customer base. I feel very comfortable with webinars, and Jon gave me great tips on how to convert people during and after the webinar.”
– Dora Farkas, Creator of Finish Your Thesis
Dora Farkas_headshot
Tom Sladic_headshot
“I sold $5,516 in online training on a webinar. I am now working on building out my marketing funnel. Best money I have ever spent.”-Dr. Tom Sladic, TheNaturalThyroidDoctor.com
Introducing the
Webinar Mastery Academy
The Webinar Mastery Academy is an online experience that will teach you the 12 core components of a successful and profitable webinar campaign. This isn’t theory or fluff. It’s not about shiny objects or flash.This is about teaching you the “fundamentals” of strategic webinar marketing that works, and most importantly, HOW to implement them.
What You Will Learn Inside the Academy….
Module 1 – Pain, Product, Profit: Four simple steps to selling exactly what your audience wants, every time. Learn four simple steps that will allow you to reverse engineer the entire process. Know exactly what your audience wants to buy from you on your webinar.green2button
Module 2 – Hell-Yeah Headlines and Registration Pages: Hook your ideal audience with conversion crazy headlines. Learn the building blocks of high converting headlines and registration pages. Create the perfect hook.green3button
Module 3 – The Four Step Selling System: Four proven steps to structuring your webinars for sensational sales. How you structure and present your webinar can make the difference between getting zero sales and getting a solid conversion number. Includes sample slide decks that you can follow to success. Learn a simple four step system I have used to sell our products like hot cakes.green4button
Module 4 – The Sign-Up Stampede: How to get people out-of-their-minds excited to sign up and show up every time. An overview of the 3 P’s of webinar traffic and when to use them. Get email swipe copy examples to make sure you send signup inducing emails to your following.green5button
Module 5 – Double Your Show-up Rates: Learn why a poor show-up rate is one of the biggest holes in your webinar funnel, the #1 evergreen strategy for getting more people to show up, and six different tactics to increase your show-up rate.green6button
Module 6 – Present Like a Pro: Learn how to give a live webinar presentation that is so engaging, your audience has to stay until the end (and your offer). Avoid the common mistakes that sabotage your webinar and steps to prepare before you go live.green7button
Module 7 – Fortune in the Follow-up: If done right, 70% of your sales will come after your webinar is over. Learn the three pillars of effective webinar follow-up. Includes email swipe examples and follow-up templates.green8button
Module 8 – Knowing Your Numbers to Scale Up: Learn the key metrics that will allow you to comfortably spend more in advertising to scale up your webinar attendance and revenue.greem9button
Module 9 – Webinar Lead Magnets and Indoctrination: Stop flushing your Facebook advertising dollars down the drain by sending people, who have no idea who you are, straight to your webinar. Learn how to build a simple lead generation system to get the right people to your webinars for less.green10button
Module 10 – Hosting JV Webinars: Learn how to approach potential partners to reach new audiences and expand your business using webinars. Where to find partners, what affiliate tools to use, and the flow of a joint venture webinar are all covered here.green11button
Module 11 – Facebook Advertising for Webinars: Learn how to leverage Facebook paid traffic to fill your webinars without breaking the bank. Click-by-click, step-by-step screenshare tutorials that will show you exactly how to set up the three types of webinar Facebook ads. This could be a course by itself!green12button
Module 12 – Automated Webinar Funnels: Create a simple and repeatable automated webinar to build your audience and make sales on autopilot. Learn the pros and cons of automated webinars, when and why to use them, the tools needed to build one, and some extra considerations that are only for automated webinars.I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
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This Isn’t Another Info Product
This is an intimate school of webinar learning with the kind of direct support you need to build your SPECIFIC webinar for your SPECIFIC business. In addition to the 12 step-by-step multimedia masterclasses you will have access to…group_icon
A private Facebook community where you can network with other potential joint venture partners, get group support, and ask a specific question and get an answer within 24 hours (except weekends)GroupCoaching_175x167
Monthly group coaching and Q&A sessions to continue your learning and ask questions liveoffice hours_175x175
Monthly open office hours to ask questions and overcome any challengesguest lecturer
Regular guest lectures with other experts in the webinar marketing spacedocuments_icon
The Webinar Vault with over 40 cheat sheets, headline templates, email swipe copy, slide deck examples and much moreresources
The Technology Center with a robust library of all the latest webinar software and tools. A complimentary tech strategy session with one of our tech coaches.lifetime_updates
All future updates to the program as long as you are a memberI’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
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How Much Does it Cost?
You would expect this experience to cost a TON of money, right?After all, you’re going to be learning to build your own webinar funnels and then actually developing them, with our help.
Having a marketing agency build a webinar funnel for you would easily cost at least $20,000, so this kind of learning experience must also cost a ton.
Not true.
You can get started with the experience for only $1,497…
For literally a fraction of the cost of hiring a marketing agency, you can learn EVERYTHING you need to do it yourself.
Could you figure this stuff out yourself?
It’s possible.
But let’s be honest. You’ll spend hundreds of hours, make costly mistakes, and maybe never get it right.
Or you could hire a marketing agency to do it for you. If you want to spend that kind of cash, you go right ahead. Just remember that they’re also going to charge you a ridiculous amount and keep charging you every time you want to change something.
Or you could do NOTHING. But what will that cost your business and lifestyle in sacrificed opportunities?
You could invest as little as $1,497 and unleash the power of webinars in your business.
You could do it right the FIRST time, without the costly mistakes.
The choice is yours. As a smart entrepreneur, I already know what choice you’ll make.
I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
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You Have
TWO options:
Most Flexible Plan
4 Monthly Payments of $447
Yes, I am In!
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Best Value
One Payment of $1497
Yes, I am In!
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Have Questions?
Email me at [email protected] or call 800.211.6043I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
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I’m Removing All the Risk for You
30 day guarantee
If you’re looking to host your first profitable webinar and you follow and actually implement our step-by-step system and use the help of our support team then you will have your first professional level webinar up and running in 60 days or less or we get on the phone with you and help you get it done.Don’t decide right now if the Webinar Mastery Academy is right for you. Join now. Go through the program yourself for 30 days. Go through all the masterclasses. Attend a group learning session. Download your example slide decks and swipe files.
If you love The Academy, great! I look forward to serving you as your teacher. If not, simply send me a one line email within 30 days of your purchase and I will refund your money within 24 hours (except weekends) and we can part as friends.
I am removing all the risk for you.
What Are Others Saying About Jon?
Aaron LeBauer’s Webinars Changed His Life
Raleigh Latham’s $5k to $75k Webinar
It’s Time to Make Your Decision
You have a choice. Continue struggling to make the kind of income and impact you want.Or take a new action and get a new result.
Now is the time…Join the Webinar Mastery Academy Today!
I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
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Is there a payment plan?
Yes, there is a monthly payment plan for the Webinar Mastery Academy.What if I sign up and decide this is not for me?
Go through the program yourself for 30 days. If you love The Academy, great! I look forward to serving you as your teacher. If not, simply send me a online email within 30 days of your purchase and I will refund your money within 24 hours (except weekends).Can you guarantee results?
No, of course not. I don’t know you individually, yet. This is not a “get rich quick” program. There is work involved and if you don’t do the work, you won’t get the results. Having said that, if you implement our system and use our support team and if you don’t get your first profitable webinar up and running in 60 days or less, we will get on the phone with you and help you get it done!I am not good at the technology, is this for me?
While it helps to have the technology skills or have someone on your team handle the technology, The Academy does have a technology center to assist you in selecting your webinar software, your microphone, your webcam, and your other online business tools. You will also get a complimentary tech strategy session with one of our coaches as well as access to discounted coaching and done for you services.I don’t have a product yet, will this program work for me?
Yes! You already have a product. You. Webinars are a perfect tool for launching a brand new program and even fulfilling that program using webinars as live classes. I have personally presold 5 different programs using webinars and so can you.I don’t have a large email list, can I still get results?
While it certainly helps to have a larger, engaged email list, we all need to start somewhere. When I hosted my first sales webinar, I had a list of a couple hundred people. I was still able to make my first two thousand dollars and have only grown from there. Webinars are also one of the best online tools for building your email list and for joint venturing with other partners.How does this program work?
There are 12 core learning classes in The Academy. The first seven are your core pillars for creating a professional level webinar campaign. Modules 8-12 are focused on scaling your business using webinars. The core modules are learn at your own pace. We meet each month for a group coaching and Q&A session and for open office hours for more questions. I also host regular guest lectures with other experts in webinar marketing. This is a group learning program not a one and done info product.What kind of coaching will I get in this program?
You have access to a complementary tech implementation session with one of our tech coaches. You also get a 15-minute welcome call with Jon. We meet each month for a group coaching and Q&A session and for open office hours for more questions. You can also get coaching in the private Facebook group at any time.I’m Ready to Start Hosting Profitable Webinars!
Webinar Mastery Academy
│ Resources.url
│ Webinar Lead Magnet And Indoctrination Sequence From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 1- Pain, Product, Profit From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 10- Hosting Jv Webinars From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Analytics From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Building Your Ads In Power Editor From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Creating Custom Audiences From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Creating Frontend Facebook Ads From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Facebook Ads For Webinar Lead Magnets From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Facebook Ads For Webinars Overview From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Facebook Offer Retargeting From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Interest Audiences And Audience Insights From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Setting Pixels And Custom Conversions From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 11- Webinar Reminder Retargeting Ads From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 12- Automated Webinars From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 2- Hell-yeah Headlines And Registration Pages From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 3- 4-step Selling System Content From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 3- 4-step Selling System Introduction From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 3- 4-step Selling System Offer From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 4- Sign-up Stampede Partner And Paid From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 4- Sign-up Stampede Personal Traffic From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 5- Double Your Show-up Rate From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 6- Present Like A Pro From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 7 Fortune In The Follow-up From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma Module 8- Knowing Your Numbers To Scale Up From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma- Ty Page Video From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4
│ Wma- Welcome Video From Jon Schumacher On Vimeo.MP4