变得显眼,找到更好的客户,做好事情!- 自由职业者课程(Seth Godin – Freelancer Course)

您有机会成为您的领域的知名专家。Each short, intense lecture helps you identify ways to build your reputation and promote your business so you can step out of invisibility. You’ll make your work more valuable, and you’ll know how to price your work to attract and retain clients.
By the end of this course, you’ll know what you need to do to pave your way towards a more lucrative and fulfilling freelancing career.
You have the opportunity to become a well-known specialist in your field.~~~
This course begins with an introduction into what it means to be a freelancer, regardless of what industry you work in.
You’ll realize that you have the opportunity to take control of your career, regardless of your previous experience, by seeing the world the way your clients do.
Seth walks you through choosing your clients and how to be at the right place at the right time to find them. By pushing yourself to produce remarkable work, the clients will start coming to you.
Each short, intense (and sometimes funny) lecture helps you identify ways to build your reputation and promote your business so you can step out of invisibility. You’ll make your work more valuable, and you’ll know how to price your work to attract and retain clients.
You have the opportunity to become a well-known specialist in your field. You’ll learn the foundation that consistently generates client leads that translate into a higher freelancer income.
Also included: In-depth answers to FAQs that Seth has collected from his audience in preparation for this course. The FAQs will help clarify common concerns that freelancers have, as well as provide insight into overcoming everyday challenges.
Throughout the course, you’ll have the opportunity to complete exercises that will help you forge a path you can easily follow. You’ll get as much out of this course as you choose to put into it.
By the end of this course, you’ll know what you need to do to pave your way towards a more lucrative and fulfilling freelancing career. You’ll be confident enough to be your own boss, and you’ll know how to put your goals in motion.
Whether you’re currently freelancing full-time or you’re stuck in a job that you want to get out of, Seth shows you what it takes to be an accomplished freelancer—or, as he calls it, “a warrior without a king.”
Seth Godin – Freelancer Course
│ Resources.url
├─01 How to move up
│ 001 Why Be A Freelancer.MP4
│ 002 A Warrior Without A King.MP4
│ 003 Moving Up The Ladder.MP4
│ 004 Weaving A Braid.MP4
│ 004-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 005 5 Kinds Of Freelancing.MP4
│ 006 Are You Unmistakable.MP4
│ 006-5 Exercise.PDF
│ Resources.url
├─02 Building assets
│ 001 Different Forms Of Merit.MP4
│ 001-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 002 Faq Fear Of Rejection.MP4
│ 003 Building Your Assets.MP4
│ 003-5 Exercise.PDF
│ Resources.url
├─03 Managing clients
│ 001 Choose Your Customers.MP4
│ 002 Faq Firing A Client.MP4
│ 003 Faq Questions To Ask A New Client.MP4
│ 004 How To Increase Demand.MP4
│ 005 Faq When A Client Disagrees With Your Vision.MP4
│ Resources.url
├─04 Strategies you choose
│ 001 Right Place Right Time.MP4
│ 002 Get Subscribers.MP4
│ 003 Two Words In I.MP4
│ 004 Faq Building A Name As A New Freelancer.MP4
│ Resources.url
├─05 Storytelling
│ 001 The 4 Principles Of Storytelling.MP4
│ 001-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 002 The Story Is What We Hire.MP4
│ 003 Excuses Are Part Of The Story.MP4
│ 004 Faq Importance Of A Contract.MP4
│ 005 An Aside About How You Buy.MP4
│ 006 Faq When A Client Has A Budget.MP4
│ Resources.url
├─06 Scarcity, value and your choice
│ 001 Choose The Right Business.MP4
│ 002 Faq Local Expert Vs. Wider Reach.MP4
│ 003 Product Adoption Lifecycle.MP4
│ 004 How To Create Scarcity.MP4
│ 005 Understanding Customer Ltv.MP4
│ 006 Different Ways To Go To Market.MP4
│ Bonuses.txt
├─07 Pricing
│ 001 What Your Craft Is Worth.MP4
│ 002 Working For Free.MP4
│ 003 Faq Working For Exposure.MP4
│ 004 Questions Worth Asking Yourself.MP4
│ Bonuses.txt
├─08 Unique voice
│ 001 Famous To The Family.MP4
│ 002 Stories Of Family Fame.MP4
│ 003 Your Brand Is Human.MP4
│ 004 Finding Your Edge.MP4
│ 004-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 005 Faq Making A Living As A Fiction Writer.MP4
│ Bonuses.txt
├─09 Reputation
│ 001 The Testimonial Book.MP4
│ 002 It Costs Too Much To Shop Around.MP4
│ 003 Seo Of A Kingdom Of One.MP4
│ 004 Seaweed And Permission.MP4
│ 004-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 005 Faq Competing With Cheap Labor.MP4
│ 006 Faq Too Expensive Despite Experience.MP4
│ Resources.mht
├─10 Promotion
│ 001 Promotional Choices.MP4
│ 002 Drip By Drip.MP4
│ 003 Stepping Out Of Your Invisibility.MP4
│ 004 Dont Become An Insider.MP4
│ 005 Taking The Leap As A Strategy.MP4
│ 最新课程章节下载地址.url
├─11 Organize and connect
│ 001 Defining Communities.MP4
│ 002 500 Disconnected People.MP4
│ 002-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 下载文件说明.mht
├─12 Leverage content
│ 001 Your Own Publishing Platform.MP4
│ 002 Debunk And Inform.MP4
│ 002-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 003 In Public Or For Competitors.MP4
│ 003-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 004 Opportunities To Consider.MP4
├─13 Sell and promote
│ 001 The Fear Of Buying.MP4
│ 001-5 Exercise.PDF
│ 002 The Obligating Question.MP4
│ 003 Positioning.MP4
│ 004 Patience And Choosing Your Industry.MP4
│ 005 Pricing And Coupons.MP4
│ 006 Faq Displaying Prices On A Website.MP4
│ 007 Thriving On Free.MP4
├─14 Going to market
│ 001 Be The Impresario.MP4
│ 002 Overspecialize.MP4
│ 003 Go Outside The System.MP4
│ 004 Get Famous.MP4
│ 005 The Poor Mans ___.MP4
└─15 Turn pro
001 Making Time.MP4
002 Faq Consistently Generating Qualified Leads.MP4
003 Financial Hygiene.MP4
004 Be Smart.MP4
005 Words In -ent.MP4
006 Exercise.PDF