PowerMTA(PMTA)+OEMPRO+LINUX EDM邮件营销培训教程 第08章 Oempro使用

EDM邮件营销(PowerMTA(PMTA)+OEMPRO)培训教程 第08章 Oempro使用
邮件部落论坛PowerMTA付费培训教程 – 邮件部落是一个邮件营销论坛教你邮件服务器搭建,专门介绍EDM邮件平台软件 PowerMTA(PMTA)+Oempro
提供EDM平台搭建、维护一站式服务、PMTA,OEM、IEM技术交流、邮件代发、推广服务。For email marketers
Auto Responders
Setup email series based on triggers such as email clicks or subscriber info.Recurring email campaigns
Schedule recurring emails to be sent, such as “Every Friday”. Fetch email content remotely.Smart segments
Create smart segments based on subscriber activity. Use these segments to target your emails.Subscription Form Designer
Design your subscription form on the fly and get new subscribers from your website on the fly.A/B Split Testing
Run a/b tests on your emails and let Oempro decide the winner email based on conditions.Email Marketing Reports
Track email opens, link clicks, unsubscriptions, invalid email addresses and spam complaints.For email marketing service providers
Multi-user Platform
Create and manage multiple user accounts. Each user accont is fully isolated from others.Bounced email handling
Monitor and identify bounced email addresses, filter them from your user lists and keep your reputation maximized.Spam complaint processing
Enrol on Hotmail JMRP and other FBL programs and detect spam complaints instantly. Keep these emails away from your user lists.User privilege and limit system
Set different access privileges and usage limits for your users. Offer signup plans for different feature tiers.Different re-branding for different user groups
100% white-label email marketing software. Customize, rebrand under your own corporate identity.Full featured API and plugin engine
Extend Oempro features with Oempro’s full featured API and plugin engine. Integrate with WHMCS, aMember and other systems easily.教程语言:中文视频