不需要在YouTube或谷歌上排名第一 – 在不高的排名的情况下获取更多的流量(Evergreen Affiliate Profits)

不需要在YouTube或谷歌上排名第一。我给你一种更好的技巧,它能让你在不高排名的情况下获取更多的流量。You work once and make passive income for years to come on complete autopilot.
Discover how I still make money from 10-sec ugly videos we made long ago… so you can do the same.
No need to show your face, or even talk in the video… but still give people value.
No need to rank #1 on YouTube or Google with this method. I give you a better technique that gives you views even without ranking high.///
Tired Of Wasting Valuable Money And Endless Hours Making Very Little Or No Money At All?
“NOW YOURS! Simple Copy-Paste System Newbie Used to Make $2,925.16 Using Absolutely Free Traffic, No Budget & No Experience At All…”
Literally Anyone Can Do It! The Only Way to Fail is If YOU Don’t Try!“They laughed when I sat down to make UGLY 10 second videos, but when I checked my Sales Dashboard… their laughter turned to wonder. At 58 y/o, I say this is the easiest affiliate marketing system any newbie or serious online marketer could hope for…”
Take it from my students, who, after failing course after course in the past, finally made a killing online…Look at the date. This works today!
Dear Friend,
It was about 11:30pm when my phone rang…
AS I WAS TALKING to the other person on the other line…
…I could see the eyes of my daughter look worried.
I was being called to substitute as a teacher again.
No biggie… if only it wasn’t in yet another dangerous school district.
“Mom, you’re not going there again,
are you? Hasn’t there been another
shooting in the area recently?…”
…Can’t you be doing anything else?” she said with a shrill voice.Yep, at 51 years old then, that was my life.
It would have been easier to consider another job…
…only IF only I wasn’t smack in the middle of a sad divorce…
…left with two kids in college, and MEGA bills to pay.
I needed something I could slide into easily, and wouldn’t jeopardize what’s left of the shaky security I had for my kids.
That’s when I got on the computer and searched “how to make money online”.
And lo’ and behold, an ad appeared that said…
Money in Your
Deep inside, I knew it was a SCAM.But darn it (…in my Georgian accent)… I clicked anyway… I HAD TO.
Long story short, I was hooked by the idea of people making money with the internet.
“This is it… This will help me quit my job…
…and when I do, I’ll be able to be there every night…
…ready to welcome my kids, make sure they’re home safe… REALLY safe,” I thought.
You gotta understand — I’m a baby bloomer… in my fifties…
“And the First Time
I Ever Held a Computer
Was in College…”
But still, with this new discovery, I was filled with hope……and so I told my dad about my internet marketing plan.
“Dad, I’m gonna do two things.
First, I’m gonna work for myself.
Second, I’m gonna teach myself how to do that with internet marketing every weekend.”
He said these words I would NEVER forget:
“I Believe in
You! Go Make
Us Some Money…”
If you were at that spot in my life then, you’d understand how inspiring those words were.And so, I did internet marketing.
Spent lots of money I didn’t have on courses, here and there…
Tried a couple of this and that – Amazon, Clickbank, JVzoo, WarriorPlus, etc…
At one time, I even got my kids filling out surveys with me…
…only to be scammed, and not get paid.
“This is Sad. How Could
I Drag My Kids Into
this Mess…”
Bummer.But still, the loving children that they are… they encouraged me.
“You could make this work mom. We know you can.” they told me.
So I plowed on and on for the correct solution…
“No way I would give up now. I’m gonna hold on to this internet marketing thing…”
Yes, I told this myself… even though…
“…My Brain Told Me to
STOP this Internet
I almost listened.Especially during my encounter with my close friend Susie.
Expecting that she would encourage me to the fullest…
But instead, all I heard from her was – “Isn’t that a scam. Kristie?”
I knew she meant well, with all her generous heart…
But what she said really STUNG MY HEART.
“Is she right, after all these times?,” I kept asking myself.
I was getting stressed out – I was getting occasional migraines.
But then one ordinary day…
I went to this restaurant in Macon, Georgia….
And across my table was none other than…
“Holy Moly!
It’s Frank Kern…
Right in Front of Me…”I wanted to approach him, but my shyness won.
Despite failing to talk to him, that moment gave me inspiration.
The proof was there, in the flesh…
…the guy who made millions in the dog niche…
…then became record holder as the marketing guy of the biggest launch in the history of the IM community (where sold about $30M in a few hours)…
…and now one of the highest paid online direct response marketing consultants in the world.
Now I’m certain:
“These People Making
a Living Online Are
So, I did not quit on the internet marketing dream.At one point, I found myself dipping into our savings, so I could attend a $5,000 seminar.
I borrowed my dad’s car (…a tan Buick), and drove an hour and a half to Atlanta.
There, I was able to personally talk to the legendary Matt Bacak…
He’s a best selling author (with a huge fan base of over 300k people in his niche) who built several multi-million dollar companies.
I would never forget what he said that day:
“You Don’t Have to Get
It Perfect, You Just Have to
Get it Going…”
So I went back online, this time with information marketing in mind.You know – you create your own ebook and sell it via internet?
So I wrote my first ebook (it was about poems), then uploaded online.
Wrote a sales letter, and hit publish.
Somebody from Singapore bought a copy for $37 – I was soooo excited!
Finally, my first dollar online!
“…All I
Heard Were
ZERO sales. Nobody bought after that.The excitement turned into sadness.
“Maybe this online thing is not really for me,” I told my kids.
Their reply is the reason I am still here today.
“You can do this mom… yes, you can.”
And so, I did what I thought would be…
“My One
I went back online, and little did I know I’d land on my biggest stepping stone that day.I found this particular company that pays big affiliate commissions in the dog niche.
BUT what’s even better, is that they do the follow-ups for you!
Meaning, you don’t have to mess with autoresponders, and you don’t have to write any emails.
Because, they do it for you.
Every email they send contains your affiliate link…
…plus they send helpful daily dog training tips (…I know coz I subscribed to them)…
…and they offer different HOT products, and even monthly membership to their paid newsletter.
It’s really amazing because…
“…All You Have to Focus On is the Easy Part…”
TRAFFICYou gotta hear this…
Surprisingly, this came easy.
I created a 10 sec UGLY video, with a single background photo…
…and added a background music YouTube provides for free…
…and inserted my affiliate link in the video.
That’s it – I did not talk or show my face.
And within that month, I got a commission from them.
I continued making a few more videos (…coz they were so easy to do)…
And in 2-3 months the commissions were coming in regularly.
The “dog company’s” follow-up emails were doing their job!
I was happy, and my kids are happy.
Finally, we were getting GOOD results.
That’s when I knew YouTube and video marketing is easier than what others would think, and it’s so effective.
From then, I continued exploring internet marketing world.
I built upon my experience from that “dog niche affiliate program” and video marketing.
And before long…
“I Was Finally
Able to Leave
My Job…”
I didn’t have to go to dangerous school districts anymore…I could travel to see my kids in their college apartments at any time of the day, taking along my laptop to work when I pleased.
I had more options, and more opportunities to experience good things in life.
I really wanted to travel when I was young, and though I was able to go on some cruises because of this internet marketing thing, what I really enjoy now is the freedom to travel to my grandkids.
Now, I can breathe easier and relax.
I’m giving value to the world, and getting paid for it.
It’s a good life! And I’m glad I did not quit.
“Those 10-sec Ugly Videos I
Did in 2009 Are STILL Making
Me Money Today…”
That’s the power of YouTube and videos.Since then, I’ve shared this technique to a few select people.
And they’ve gotten success with the same system.
Then I thought, how about teaching this to more people?
…with so many people needing extra income… searching for real answers on how to make money online – I wanted to give back to the internet community…
But I have to tell you…
“I Was a Little
Hesitant About
Sharing This Secret”
But then I realized that there are so many keywords that this niche can never be saturated!Everyday, more pets are being born. And everyday, more pets are being sold.
The demand for this niche will NEVER end…as long as Puppy Owners love their pups!
PLUS, we’re talking about hundreds of dog breeds here, and each of those breeds have multiple hard-to-solve problems begging for a solution…
(….meaning lots of possible keyword phrases that are still untapped).
Now, I’ve totally updated my training, and added more powerful tweaks to my system that leverages:
1) the particular high paying “dog company” and…
2) their built in follow-up system (that they send for you with your affiliate links)…So you could get started earning online from once and for all.
And you can be the first to get this NEW training… the formula is just so simple:
But before I reveal the details to you, let me first introduce myself and my partners…
Hi, my name is Kristie Chiles… along with Dexter Pagliwan and Vick Carty
Altogether, we have over 18 years of combined experience in online marketing…And thanks to our trusting clients, we have all been putting food on the plates of our family by doing the things you’re about to discover today.
Like I said, I wasn’t very keen on sharing my “secret dog company, and my methods” at first…
I’ve been earning from this (from the work I did YEARS ago) since 2009 anyway, and I don’t want competition…But then I realized that there are so many keywords that this niche can never be saturated!
If you can copy-paste and create ugly videos 🙂 then YOU can do it too.
Best part:
“You Can Actually Get Started
with this Underground System
in the Next Two Hours…”Introducing…
Evergreen Affiliate Profits
Discover how I (and my students) STILL make money from 10-sec ugly videos we made long ago… so you can do the same.
No need to show your face, or even talk in the video… but still give people VALUE
No website needed
No list needed… no follow up sequence to write…
No autoresponder & landing pages to mess with…
…because every valuable email follow-up (“selling” products with your affiliate link) is DONE-FOR-You by the “secret free company” we use
No paid ads. Just pure consistent FREE traffic
No need for complicated video softwares that take weeks to learn to operate (coupled with horrible support)
No need to rank #1 on YouTube or Google with this method (though I show you how to do that). I give you a better technique that gives you views even without ranking high
No more confusion about what EXACT affiliate offer to promote. I’ll tell you which one (…and you can expect offers with monthly income potential here)
Save your time and effort. Forget about complex programs. This is so simple a baby-boomer like me (I’m 58 now) could make it work!
Click on the button below and get started today!“First… Let Me Tell You WHY the Dog Niche…”
…Even If You’re NOT a Pet Lover (nor Owner)
“With Evergreen Affiliate Profits, It’s Now Easier Than Ever for YOU to Get Into the 62 BILLION DOLLAR Dog Niche Industry!”
Let me do you a favor and give you a quick marketing lesson – “sell what they want, not what you want”. I know know that sounds kinda extreme. But let’s take a good hard look at this. If making money online is your bottom line – and you don’t have time to mess around with too much stuff, and you want the best springboard to get started… THIS IS IT!People buy pets everyday. Pets multiply everyday. All of these people buying pets have “problem with their pets” (…I teach you what those are) and they’re willing to SPEND for the solution. Christmas is coming and there’s a big holiday spending frenzy in that niche! You wanna be at the receiving end of this opportunity. With the way I teach this, you don’t have to worry about market saturation. And you can get paid for years to come (even after Christmas). Main point – THERE IS MONEY HERE!
Which brings us to the second lesson (now I’m getting a bit more generous) – “if you can make money in the dog niche, you make money in almost any niche!” This is very important. The simple little skills you learn from “Evergreen Affiliate Profits” are evergreen skills as well. You carry them over as you grow as a marketer. I know because if you’ve read my story above, this is what led me to quitting my dangerous job.
Now that we got that covered, let’s look at…
“What You Get from This NEWLY Updated Training…”
“Sweet Spot Niche”
My extremely niched-down, evergreen niche THAT won’t ever get saturated. I will teach you the exact specific dog “buyers” sub-niche overflowing with problems that you can help solve.And NO – you don’t have to be a dog guru, or even owner, in order to make this work. I’ll share with you the exact system that only asks for you to spread your link (no messing with autoresponders, emails, etc), that makes this altogether easy enough for newbies to pull off.
“Problem – Solution – Money (Framework)”
You get the exact framework we use that allows us to give real value by addressing real problems, giving real solutions, and making you real money… without the heavy lifting. Like I said, all you need is to get that link in front of people, and the rest is done-for-you.I tell how you “become the bridge” for the people with “pet problems” and the right answers to these problems.This means not only are you providing value in the marketplace, but you’re sure to be compensated.
“The Automated Money Source”
The secret company that I and my fellow students affiliate with (for free) where THE company does all of the follow-up emails on your behalf with your Affiliate/Money link embedded in their emails……meaning, you don’t have to bother about the follow ups, and still enjoy residual incomes.
And the best part is, their promise to affiliates go around the lines of “you won’t find any other company that pays as much commissions” (as these guys give) – meaning, more money for you.
“Set & Forget Free Traffic Forever”
We’ll give you the best and easiest way to get traffic to your whole system. With this method, you can start it for free, and once it’s up, it’ll give you traffic for years and years to come —For example, some of my “traffic machines” (…yup, those 10-sec ugly, voiceless, faceless videos) that were setup in 2009, still bring me money to this day.
It’s never too late for you to start this. The best time would have been years ago, but the next best time is now. Don’t worry, the well won’t dry up on this one because “new customers” are being added to this market yearly.
“Scaling, Scaling, Over the Mountain Range…”
Do what we teach in this course and you’ll make money, for sure. But once you start making money, what do you do?Well, this is where scaling comes up. I teach you what to do next, in order to earn more with this method, so you’re not left hanging with what to do. We don’t want you getting confused, after all, correct?
“Here’s Why This is TOTALLY Different
from Other Affiliate Marketing
Courses You’ve Seen…”
First reason why…
A lot of affiliate marketing courses teach you how to make money in the “make money online niche” — which a lot of times is difficult because the niche is filled with “experienced marketers”… meaning, experienced competitors.Which sets us up to the second reason why this is different:
Don’t you find it weird to promote “how to make money online” stuff when you’ve not made money online yourself? Now, making money on this niche could be your easy gateway to the “make money online” niche as well.Third (and VERY important)…
This course does not set you up to the tiring “launch jacking” thru review videos method – where the video you record now would have little to no use in the next few weeks once the launch ends. Effort wasted.And fourth reason…
Unless you’re targeting high ticket items, expect to be paid VERY little with the regular launch jacking method in the internet marketing niche.With this method, you work now and get paid for years to come. You get paid sweet commissions, with less competition (…yes, despite the number of people who gets this course).
Fifth and final reason…
The system works, even for complete newbies. No risk at all. No heavy techie stuff.If a “59 year young” lady like me can pull this off, so can you. Other people (who failed in the past) got results from this. It’s a fact, this works.
Unlike other people who post fake proof, and wanky systems… you can be certain this is the real thing. “Legit,” as they call it these days.
Simple. Sweet. Easy. No effort wasted.
“Look at the
Good Things People Say About
Evergreen Affiliate Profits…”It’s not only Laurie, and Dave who found value in this course…
Look here:
“Hi Kristie, Just to let you I just made my first sale using your methods from “your video course” I’m so pleased and it paid for your product too! Hoping this is the start of great things. Hope you’re well.”
~ Pete Szarvas
“Kristie takes the reader gently by the hand and walks them through every step required for long term, passive affiliate marketing success. What I really like is how each step naturally leads to one another… and how the reader is provided with clickable links so they can follow on their own. Solid quality techniques… will definitely let my list know about this!”~ Barb Ling, Authority Marketing Innovator
“Had a chance to go through Evergreen Affiliate Profits and I love how step-by-step you guys made it. It’s very “do this, then do that” so anyone can follow along and get results with it.I’ve made money using the core of the method they teach so I definitely know it works!”
~Edwin Torres
With this fail-proof system:
“YOU work once and make
passive income for years to come
on complete autopilot…”
Sounds Great!
But How Much
Does This Cost?
By now, you know that this course is the real deal. It’s not something that “takes away” from you, but instead saves you time, effort, and cash.This method has been making me money since 2009 (from work I did years ago), and it has produced results for my students, ranging from hundreds to thousand dollars as well. For these reasons, we could very well price this at $97, even more.
But you know I can’t do that. I was where you are right now, anxious at purchasing another course. And unsure whether this could be what I’ve been looking for.
So, I am going to make the cost very reasonable, so that you can get your hands on it.
Instead of pricing this course at $97, I am going to hold the price to a ridiculously low amount so that as many of you can get it as possible…
Get Your Hands on “Evergreen Affiliate Profits” for the Measly Low Price of…Your Purchase is Safe with Us… We’ve Got You Covered by Our Money-Back Guarantee
Ok, this stuff works. But it’s so darn simple you might have second thoughts. We understand that. Well, have a test at this method for 30-days risk-free and see for yourself. If you still don’t think it’s one of the simplest yet proven systems you’ve ever seen in terms of making money online, just politely ask for a refund and we will take care of it. Period.
“Enjoy Freedom and Allow Yourself More Choices in Life by Taking Action at the Lowest Price Today…”
This is it – we’ve done our part.The odds are stacked on your corner now.
It’s your turn to make this happen.
Remember, we’ve been burnt in the past, too. And we know how bad that feels.
BUT remember: if there’s ONE thing I learned along my journey, it’s that “it takes multiple times of getting back up on your feet to truly attain worthwhile goals in life”.
This might just be what saves you from quitting… and finally moving forward in internet marketing.
We’re here to help you.
Cheers, and more power…
Kristie Chiles
Dexter Paglinawan
Vick Carty
P.S. – Imagine yourself working from home and growing your business everyday while having full control over your income… using ugly short videos as a start. Without the technical hassles that even a 58 y/o baby boomer like me can implement.Feels good isn’t it? Well, Evergreen Affiliate Profits is one of the surest ways you can start generating results online.
P.P.S – I understand, there’s a lot of products promising riches out there. We are not one of them. Though this really is simple and easy, there’s still a degree of work involved.
So, just to help you purchase with confidence and peace of mind, if you’re not satisfied, let us know and you’d be refunded. You can keep the training so you won’t walk away empty handed. If you think you want this, it makes sense to get this now.
P.P.P.S – Like I mentioned, this is one of the easiest systems you can get out there. There’s really nothing to lose, and just so much to gain. Click that order button now.
Evergreen Affiliate Profits
Evergreen Affiliate Profits.PDF