亚马逊大师级卖家:很容易就能像个Amazon FBA Master!(Amazon Seller Masterclass)

我将带你一步一步地完成所有你需要知道的销售和配送亚马逊FBA产品 (亚马逊的现况)。
I will take you by the hand step by step through all you need to know in selling and shipping your items with Amazon FBA (Fulfilment By Amazon). Just some of what you will learn:-
How to ‘piggy back’ off other peoples listings for quick results.
The process of creating a unique killer listing for your product.
How to create amazing product photos.
Amazon keyword research, what are people typing when looking for your product?
How to create a awesome product description then converts like crazy.
Become an Amazon FBA Master.///
Sell on the worlds biggest marketplace with ease.
Take professional product images, instilling confidence in a potential customer
Be able to write engaging professional sales copy that makes a customer crave your product.
Be fully comprehensive in Amazon FBA and have the confidence to use it whenever.
Realise the true growth potential and selling power that Amazon possesses!
Create product listings that ooze professionalism and creativity.
Have some products to sell
Be in country or a position to sell on Amazon
Say hello on the private Facebook group and the student area. I love to chat to my students 😉
Learn A Skill That Will Change The Way You Sell Any Product, Anywhere!Do you want to learn the secrets of how to sell on Amazon and make astonishingly easy money doing it?
There are millions of people all over the world that are making easy money by selling and running their businesses through Amazon.
If you already have your own business, sell part time or are looking to start up there has never been a better time and the best thing is, once you know how, its very easy to make good money.
Please be aware that this is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme, it will take work and you will have new skills to learn. But once you have mastered them you will be able sell your products from anywhere in the world!
When you learn to sell on Amazon you don’t have to keep any inventory leaving you free to expand your business to any size. Amazon stores all your inventory!
As you have no inventory – Amazon will also take care of the picking, packing and posting of all your orders. Yes that’s right you never have to see, touch or handle any items. Amazon does it all for you.
In this course I will take you by the hand step by step through all you need to know in selling and shipping your items with Amazon FBA (Fulfillment By Amazon). Just some of what you will learn:-
How to ‘piggy back’ off other peoples listings for quick results.
The process of creating a unique killer listing for your product.
How to create amazing product photos.
Amazon keyword research, what are people typing when looking for your product?
How to create a awesome product description then converts like crazy!
Become an Amazon FBA Master.
You can start today for pennies as Amazon does not charge listing fees and within a couple of months its very realistic that you can give up your job… work for just an hour or two a day… and earn an amazing income with unlimited potential.Is this you:
Got a low income?
Just need more money?
Have a family to support?
Want to get involved with something that is huge and rapidly growing, like Amazon?
Want to start your own business and are not sure where to start?
Need a part time income?
Looking to start your own private label product and want to learn how to sell on Amazon like a pro?
If you fall into one or more of these categories then the chances are you need or want to learn how to sell on Amazon.The thing is that Amazon does the selling part by putting your products on the biggest busiest market place in the world. But its up to you to present them correctly and give the customer what they need to be able to make the right decision. BUY!
So if you are want to learn to sell Amazon like a pro and have listings that smash the completion then hit the Take This Course Button Now!
100% 30 Day Money Back Guarantee
This course is for anyone looking to be successful on Amazon.
If you are struggling to sell your products online and need a blueprint.
Already have success on eBay and other marketplaces and want to take it to the next level.
For Anyone who wants to sell on amazon but feels daunted by its size and infrastructure.
This course is only for people who want to sell and make money on a regular basis.
Amazon Seller Masterclass
│ Resources.url
├─001.hello And Welcome
│ 001. Course Introduction.MP4
│ 002. Very Important Additional Course Resources.MP4
│ 003. Please Help Me!.MP4
│ 004. Introduction To Amazon.MP4
│ 005. The Benefits To Selling On Amazon.MP4
│ Resources.url
│ ├─ The Basics
│ 006. Making A Quick Listing On Amazon.MP4
│ 007. Make A Unique Product Listing On Amazon.MP4
│ 008. Deliver Your Products To Your Customers.MP4
│ 009. Amazon Pricing.MP4
│ 010. Sell A Little Pricing Fees.MP4
│ 011. Sell A Lot Pricing Fees.MP4
│ 012. One European Account.MP4
│ 013. Summary & Top Reasons To Join The Amazon Marketplace.MP4
│ Bonuses.txt
│ ├─003.killer Listing Creation
│ 014. Killer Listing Creation Introduction.MP4
│ 015. Keyword Research.MP4
│ 016. Getting Prepared.MP4
│ Resources.mht
│ ├─004.killer Listing Creation T
│ 017. Creating A Rockstar Title.MP4
│ 018. Product Titles & Bullet Points The Good, The Bad & The Ugly!.MP4
│ 019. Creating Max Impact Bullet Points That Sell!.MP4
│ 下载文件说明.mht
│ ├─005.killer Listing Creation S
│ 020. Stand Out Product Images Introduction.MP4
│ 021. Product Images The Good & The Bad….MP4
│ 022. Product Photography Equipment Guide.MP4
│ 023. Getting The Most From Your Camera.MP4
│ 024. Step By Step Product Photo Shoot.MP4
│ 025. Gimp Photo Editiing – Step By Step.MP4
│ 026. Other Websites And Services.MP4
│ Bonuses.txt
│ ├─006.killer Listing Creation H
│ 027. Introduction To Product Descriptions That Sell!.MP4
│ 028. The World Revolves Around The Customer.MP4
│ 029. No1 Marketing Tool For Massive Sales!.MP4
│ 030. We Always Start Our Descriptions With A Headline.MP4
│ 031. Awesome Headline Creation.MP4
│ 032. Call To Action.MP4
│ 033. Awesome Description Checklist.MP4
│ Resources.mht
│ ├─007.fulfilment By Amazon
│ 034. Introduction To Fulfilment By Amazon (fba).MP4
│ 035. Fba Pricing.MP4
│ 036. How Fba Works.MP4
│ 037. Converting A Product To Be Fulfilled By Amazon.MP4
│ 038. Co-mingled Inventory Normal Inventory – Whats The Difference.MP4
│ 039. How To Label Products For Fba.MP4
│ 040. What Packing Material (dunnage) Should I Use.MP4
│ 041. What Other Equipement Do I Need.MP4
│ 042. How To Prepare ‘sold As Set’ Products For Fba.MP4
│ 043. How To Prepare Small Items For Fba.MP4
│ 044. How To Label Small Parcel Shipments.MP4
│ 045. How To Prepare Loose Products For Fba.MP4
│ 046. How To Prepare Liquid Products For Fba.MP4
│ 047. How To Prepare Products With Expiration Dates.MP4
│ 048. How To Prepare Fragile Products.MP4
│ 049. How To Prepare Case Packed Products.MP4
│ 050. How To Prepare Baby Products.MP4
│ 051. Arranging Pick Up For Your Fba Shipment.MP4
│ 052. Hazardous Materials Identification.MP4
│ 053. Section Conclusion.MP4
│ 下载文件说明.mht
│ └─008.course Conclusion
054. Thank You! Hope You Liked It! ).MP4