快速学会如何在网上创建和发布你自己的信息产品(Quick Cash Formula)

通过从你的信息产品中获得最大的影响力来获取利润。Discover how to create and launch your own info products online for quick cash in hours not months.
I show you exactly how to find out what people are struggling with and what they want to buy before you even create it.
How to write your sales copy without being a copywriting guru.
Making profits by getting the maximum leverage from your info product.
WAIT! Before you scroll down this page I want you to check this out…
Are you always buying info products? Why not create and launch your own? Starting today!
Discover How To Create & Launch Your Own Info Products Online For Quick Cash In Hours Not Months!
…starting with no list, no affiliates and no JV partners…
Hi Quick Cash Warrior,
It’s Will DeMarro here
I’ll quickly get to the point here as I am sure you may have already read my Overview and I’m sure you’ve also read a lot of sales pages already so…
If you are like me and maybe a few others then you’ve most likely spent money and time on information products that promised to show you loopholes, gimmicks, push button strategies that only work at certain times or totally unworkable blueprints.
I’d just like to let you know that there really is no ‘magic’ to making money online.
Look, after a lot of painful trial and error I now know that if you really want to make money online or build a list of buyers then the ‘secret’ that is not really a secret is that you need to sell something to people who want to buy it. Best if what you are selling is yours to sell in the first place as you need control over the content, price, commissions and so on.
Could it be you have got this whole make money online thing completely wrong?
When I first came online a few years ago all I wanted to do was make a bit of money to supplement my income. I was not looking to quit my job or anything like that. I started out with affiliate marketing as it seemed easy and I did not need to have a website of my own or pay for an autoresponder to build a list or bother with customer service.
I made sales but I found I was always on the lookout for fresh traffic to send to my affiliate links all because I was not building a customer list Arrrgh! For each of say 100 of visitors that came to my affiliate link only about 2-5% made a purchase while the rest left never to be seen again. That’s about 95% of my traffic…that I had paid for at Google Adwords! This happened each time I needed to promote again.
What I was really doing was building my affiliate product owners lists (both buyers and subscribers). Can’t blame him really as I was more interested in the buyers whom I could not even regularly contact to see if they needed something more. I was effectively leaving money on the table as they say.
What about you? Are you doing the same thing?
STOP! It’s time for a rethink…otherwise you will continue to make the same mistakes and your frustrations will continue…and you’ll make $0!
All I really needed to do was to find out what people wanted to buy, Create or outsource it and of course sell it …build a list of buyers and of course sell to them again and again! Mark you I am talking about creating products that solve real problems for real people not gimmicks and loopholes.
Now stay with me here as this is not as hard as you might think..
You just need to do things step by step and then do it over and over again. A lot of people don’t hang around long enough to see results before they run off to grab the next shiny object…this is where failure and frustration comes in.
Repeating this over and over again will give you an email list of buyers/customers and you can have affiliates promoting the products for you if you advertise at the places where both buyers and sellers meet for instance at places like JVZoo and Warrior Plus and Product Launch sites. At these sites are people who have lists and want to promote your product as they understand the importance of having products that meets needs.
You with me so far?
This is not fly by night stuff. Creating and Selling your own products is a solid strategy that plain and simply works! Actually it does not look like it’s going to stop working anytime soon.
Don’t believe me?
Head over to JVZoo or Clickbank or Amazon or Warrior Plus and see the thousands of products being offered up for sale there.
What about places like Muncheye, JVNotify or IMLaunchr? These are places renowned for product launches.
Will yours be next??
Seriously affiliate marketing is cool however with my own products I can now put a price of my choosing, decide how much I offer affiliates, I can include what I like in the product, change the format like from ebook to video and so on.
I have control.
I can build a list of buyers, a list of affiliates and so on.
Basically I am growing my own info product empire by creating and selling my own products online…AND I GET TO KEEP 100% of the profits.
Is affiliate marketing dead then?
Of course not just that those making real money have products and lists to sell products to or JV with others for profits..
Imagine Turning Small Info Products into Quick Cash and Adding Hundreds of Buyers to Your List Every Time you launch and Affiliates promoting your offers.
Let me show you how to do this step by step and without maxing out your credit cards and without having to do some huge time consuming product launch. Instead meet both BUYERS and SELLERS, Joint Venture Partners, Affiliates and generate some quick cash in the process.
“Quick Cash Formula!”
Here’s what’s covered in the
‘Quick Cash Formula’
This Blueprint Is Distilled Into 6 Distinct Modules:
Module 1: Introduction & Finding Out What Your Market Needs
I show you EXACTLY how to find out what people are struggling with and what they want to buy before you even create it.
Module 2: Easy Product Creation
How to actually create eBooks, videos and mp3’s very quickly so you can start selling your info product (no more spending months doing this!).
I show you the one very important ingredient that makes this happen very fast.
Module 3: Writing simple sales copy without being a copywrter
How to write your sales copy without being a copywriting guru.
Module 4: Product Delivery
Delivery of your info product & building a buyers list
Module 5: Attracting Buyers & Sellers!
Making profits by getting the maximum leverage from your info product!
Module 6: Your 3 Phase Launch
Launching your info product. EXACTLY what to do before , during and after the launch of your info product
NOTE: I don’t just TELL YOU what to do I ACTUALLY SHOW YOU WHAT TO DO! I go into each of those modules and explain things step by step so you can create and launch your own info product rather than just buying and reading info product’s. And if anything is missing I still have you covered with my email support system 😉
I want you to succeed here.
Fast Action Bonus Number 1:
90 Days Unlimited Priority Email Support!:
Valued at $197!
Okay I really want this to work for you so I want to work with you.
I stand by my training packages and value my customers. I am hungry to hear of your success. My training usually comes with 30 days email support as standard however this time around I am throwing in 90 Days Unlimited EMail Coaching Support to help ensure the Quick Cash Formula works well for you!
That on its own is difficult to put a price on as it involves my time. You’ll agree with me that My time here is worth more than the whole info product put together.
If you get stuck at any point then all you need do is send me an email and you’ll get a priority answer, guidance and support. If I am online you’ll get an answer there and then otherwise it will be within 24 hours.
The way I see it is that your question is unique to you and not ‘one answer fits all!’ I want to answer YOUR question for YOU and not everyone else!
No need to go buying another ebook or training to find answers to your questions when you can simply Ask Me!
Fast Acton Bonus Number 2:
How to Choose a Niche and Determine the needs of your market.
Finding HOT Topics
This is a different angled approach from your usual ‘keywords’ or popularity approach.
Valued at $17!
Fast Action Bonus Number 3:
Fast Product Creation Formula
Step by step video!
(This will help you speed up your product creation like nothing else! No more taking ages to create your first product!)
Valued at $17!
You could spend many hours trying to create your products without this. I am saving you time and effort here and giving you something that will enable you churn out products faster and with minimum effort. No excuses then not to create and launch your own info product.
Simply follow my formula. I speak from experience when I say This is a HUGE time saver!
Fast Action Bonus Number 4:
Your “Do This” Checklist to ensure you do the things that will complete your info product.
You can see exactly where you are at and how much you have left to do.
Valued at $17!
That’s A Total Value of $258!
There is an upgrade to take things to the next level if you decide to. [That said, You do not need the upgrade to make the QCFormula work.] It simply shows you how to properly monetize your new list (or your present list). I know you hear it all the time that the money is in the list. Thing is the list spoken about is not just any old list but a BUYERS LIST!
This is where the repeat quick cash comes from and not from you chasing after ‘cold’ traffic each time you have an offer.
It’s not about sending sales email after sales email either as that is simply a guarantee to annoy people and get them unsubscribing or ignoring your emails.
I repeat QC Formula is complete on it’s own and does not need the upgrade to work but I just thought to let you know of the opportunity to properly monetize your new quick cash list without burning it out 😉
I have made it easy for you to go ahead and grab your copy of QC Formula right now. The price will be rising after every few purchases so the more you wait the more you pay!
If you want it then hit the “Buy now” button and in a few clicks of the mouse you will be able to download your ‘Quick Cash Formula ‘ and be on your way to launching your info product for profits without having to resort to yet another product.
Why am I practically giving this away?
Let me ask you this.
What is it worth to you to be able to create and launch your own products online, build a buyers list, have others promote it for you and you make some quick cash too?
I could price this at $97 but let’s face it, you may be wondering if you should invest in the Quick Cash Formula or not so I simply want to give you every reason to say yes! I don’t want you to think too hard about getting it and end up missing out on what it can do for you.
I am confident that once you use the blueprint you will want to leave me good feedback 😉 hence I am happy to reward fast movers with a really low price for top value. Fair enough?
This is not an ebook but a 6 modular training.
You are not expected to read it in one sitting. You take a little piece, act on t and get results and move on.
There are no 3 buttons to press for traffic, money and no work!
You are expected to do some work at the end of each module so you get the results you are looking for.
Seriously, you are getting a bargain here but you’ll need to buy now to get the best deal as the price keeps going up!
Plus, you are also covered by my…
If you don’t like the ‘Quick Cash Formula’ method for any reason, You simply let me know and you get a quick refund. No need to tell any stories to PayPal.
Okay Do You want the’Quick Cash Formula’?
1: Quick Cash Formula (QCF) pdf
2. 90 Days Unlimited Email Support.
3: How to choose your info product topic.
4: The Fast Cash Product Creation video.
5: Your ‘Do This’ QCF Checklist
Plus, I also understand that I’m covered 100% by your 30 Days No Questions Asked Money Back Guarantee!
Once your payment goes through you’ll get instant access to your downloads; even if it’s 3am.
Thanks for checking out my offer. I’m sure You’ll love it!
Remember, The quicker you get this the less you pay!
Will D
Click on the ‘Buy Now” button above to grab your copy before the price goes up!
P.S. Don’t forget, you’re getting immediate access to ‘Quick Cash Formula!’ including the email support and the bonuses!
P.P.S. You are also covered 100% by my no questions asked guarantee for a full 30 days, so if you decide you don’t want it for any reason or no reason at all, just email me and I’ll refund every cent right away!
No Thanks, Next Page Please!
Quick Cash Formula
│ 16 Product Creation Videos Dl.pdf
│ A Blog Into Bucks.pdf
│ Becoming Unstoppable.pdf
│ Build A List Step By Step.pdf
│ Choose Niche And Research.pdf
│ Deliver & Build A List.pdf
│ Dinglebert.pdf
│ Ebook Creationsecrets.pdf
│ Front End Sales Video.mp4
│ Get Your Freedom Back.pdf
│ Mini Launch Process.pdf
│ Money Myths.pdf
│ Promote Your Website.pdf
│ Resources.url
│ Sample Arcs.pdf
│ Sample Arcs.rtf
│ Sampleissue.zip
│ Simple Productivity Blueprint.pdf
│ Success Blueprint Revealed!.pdf
│ Success Thinking.pdf
│ Traffic Go.pdf
│ Worksheets.pdf
├─1. Main Product
│ 1askv2.pdf
│ 2 0create Your Fep Title&outline!.pdf
│ 2 1create Your Fep Text!.pdf
│ 2 2create Your Fep Video!.pdf
│ 2 3create Your Fep Audio!.pdf
│ 2 4creating Your Upsell Oto.pdf
│ 3 Salescopywriting.pdf
│ 4delivery+buildalistv3.pdf
│ 5 Launching Your Wso! Pre+launch+post.pdf
│ 6 Attracting Buyers & Sellers To Your Wso.pdf
│ 7take It To The Next Level!.pdf
│ 下载文件说明.mht
1. Ask Problems.pdf
2. Create Outline.pdf
2c. 2create Video.pdf
2c. 3create Audio.pdf
2c. Create Text.pdf
3. Sales Copy Writing.pdf
4. Deliver Build A List.pdf
5. Launch Your Wso.pdf
6. Profit Centers.pdf
7. Resources.url