
我一个澳大利亚的老客户, 从06 年做到现在,很多酸甜苦辣,该客户是澳大利亚一家知名的上市公司, 我与该公司前后两位董事长打交道, 我自己也把该客户引进到上海一家企业, 去年我又把他们带到广东我自己的工厂。

If our warranty claim is not accepted or we do not receive a cheaper price we will have no alternative but to use an alternative supplier.
You may not know but we have had many visits from Chinese suppliers wanting our business.
It has surprised me that you have not come to visit us to deal with these problems which we have repeatedly told you about.
Please let me know your decision so we can make ours.

我接到这封邮件后, 认为作为一家上市公司的老板, 不能一说提价就要换供应商。 我等到第二天,待自己平静后, 写了如下邮件给客人:

Hi Robert,
Thank you for your comments on new order.
Due to EER increase so much, and also you need improvements so many items, so its cost will increase also. As long term partner, I hope to discuss with you when cost increase so much. It does not mean I never make concession. Everything is negotiable.
You always say you have so many alternatives once I hope to discuss cost & price. I believe so many alternatives eager to do business with you. X X X(customer name) is very good customer. But I don’t think these alternatives know your exact requirement very well. Also I don’t think you will be satisfied with them finally.
We are not very big company in commercial air conditioner field. but we are very professional. we can understand customer’s requirement soon and are willing to improvements continuely. I am confident our ability of service. It is not easy to find alternative who are the same ability of understanding, communcation, R&D, service willing etc. in China.
Come back new order. we have two solutions for your reference.
1. Please try to do business with alternative.
if I try to hold you back from alternative, maybe you always think others better than Bill and X X X ( our company name). so please try. Our door open to you forever. Please come back to us if you find alternative more trouble finally. aslo please contact me if you have some problem when you cooperate with alternatives in the future even we no do business.
2. Another solution for your consideration. You still place this order to us. we just try to make sure EER is 2.9. we don’t make other new improvement. and price no change. after this order, please try to do business with alternative.
If you have other solution, please tell me. I will consider it seriously. anywhere, for our cooperation, I always hope you happy.
Best Regards,

客人收到邮件后, 立即给我来写了如下邮件:

Thank you for your e-mail and comments.
I think we can continue to work together. I would, however, like to see you in Australia soon.
My suggested solution is we will agree to the price increases you have requested if you accept our claim for credit for warranty.
In the spirit of our co-operation, I think this will show that X X X(customer name) and X X ( our company name )are trusted long term partners who can continue to work together to build our businesses and solve any problems as they arise.
As you know we will also want to be ordering 18kW units for the first time from X X X ( our company name ) in the near future so I hope that you will give this proposal favourable consideration.


不要说你付了款, 我们才会安排生产之类的话, 客人听了很不自在, 觉得我们真的是没有感情, 只问钱, 实际上生意就是讲的钱.

你就当他正在付款或者已经付款了. 你可以这么说” Our purchase department is preparing all materials for your order. I am tring my best to shorten delivery. Also please send remittance copy to me once you arrange payment. it would be great helpful when we check with our bank.” 正在准备原材料, 一来说明你即使没有收到对方的钱, 但是你仍然相信他, 所以你在准备各种原材料. 二来, 你在准备啊, 暗示还没有正式生产呢. 什么时候正式生产? 钱到了自然会安排的. 银行去看钱到了没有,有个水单就方便多了,可以提醒他给你水单就可以了, 不要直接催钱.

如果过几天, 还没有汇款的信息, 你不妨再这么写” our factory people asked me this morning if they can arrange mass production for your order. I have no further news from you since I made PI for you. I am worry maybe you need change some items including technical specification and quantity of each model, so I told them to wait for a moment. So please inform me if any change.
otherwise I will inform them to arrange production.

Our fanancial colleague asked me to provide remittance copy for their checking with bank if I have it. so please send remittance advise to me when you are convenient.
